Sunday, January 28, 2024

Continuous lines

It is the start of the year(ish) and with the start of the year comes the start of new courses! This means that in my teaching I am currently doing lots of drawing basics. One of my favorite drawing techniques to introduce at the start of a course is continuous line drawing - it is a little more relaxed and expectations are lower, all in all, it is usually quite fun. 

What this on my mind I find myself considering continuous lines, now I do not often draw in my practice so I jumped from continuous line drawing to continuous line writing quite quickly. 

I was waiting for the kettle to boil (hence the teapot and cup), and did not really have any words on my mind so decided to work with the words 'a continuous line drawing' as my prompt, the line (as all lines do) went for a walk around the page. I tackled corners and rotated paper all while being careful to not list my pen. I played with automatic writing to an extent with no words planned and returned to the word continuous when stuck.

I enjoy the aesthetics of the text and would not pair them with drawings going forward, as it was, the drawings existed before the text. This was ten minutes of play, that happily ended in an idea and a cup of tea. 

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